
You can ignore me or you can indulge me and you have my permission to download any of my articles ~ Gary.

Please don't take what I write to be the truth. That is not to say that it is not the truth! Your experience is different to mine. Please just keep an open mind and allow your truth to evolve naturally.

They're now struggling to hide the truth by Gary Bate

You never did anything wrong by Gary Bate

Help! by Gary Bate


Tru News by Gary Bate


Taking responsibility by Gary Bate

The crux of the matter by Gary Bate

The Quintessential Mastery by Gary Bate

Owning all aspects of control by Gary Bate

Living your beautiful future now by Gary Bate

Ascension Essentials by Gary Bate

Climb the ladder by Gary Bate

Beware the charletons by Gary Bate

Normal or Paranormal by Gary Bate

Living in the NOW is where the LOVE is by Gary Bate

The greatest compliment anyone can pay you by Gary Bate

Become the observer in self-observation by Gary Bate

We've got to get out of this place if it's the last thing we ever do by Gary Bate

This one is for all the Bikers and Car drivers by Gary Bate

It's a very tall order by Gary Bate

The black arm with the red finger nails by Gary Bate

Do you think you know better? by Gary Bate

Schools of Thought by Gary Bate

Change the record by Gary Bate

All the lonely people where do they all come from? by Gary Bate

It's how you see it by Gary Bate

mmmmm by Gary Bate

Hot Cakes by Gary Bate

Living your truth by Gary Bate

Mind Parasites by Gary Bate

Not for the emotionally weak by Gary Bate

Forwards and Upwards by Gary Bate

Life by Gary Bate

Truth by Gary Bate

The common denominator by Gary Bate

Create your Stall by Gary Bate

Your Mind by Gary Bate

Everyone creates their own destiny by the way they think, including whether they die or not and whether they are reborn to this World or they make a different choice. Other people should never be a great concern because you have no control over how they think. Leave them alone to continue to create their own destiny, albeit that they don't know they are doing that!

Everyone in your life right now, is only there temporarily. Your destiny is without them. The savvy know this and only focus on their own destiny ~ Gary Bate.

I've written and published 7 books to help those of you who want to do this journey. All are on Amazon and here are the Book Titles.

